Things to Do in Kelimutu National Park

13 September 2022

One of Indonesia's most stunning lakes, Kelimutu, is located on Flores Island. The lake, which is comprised of three lakes with varyingly colored water, is located at the summit of Mount Kelimutu. The three lakes at Mount Kelimutu's summit are the Tiwu Ata Mbupu (dark blue), the Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo (tosca green), and the Tiwu Ata Polo (brownish black). You will also see a natural scene with a range of plants and animals that inhabit the Kelimutu mountains around this lake area. You can do several exciting activities in Kelimutu National Park, and here is our list of activities.

Visiting the Conservation Center for Flora and Fauna

source: instagram (@_handrijay)

Kelimutu National Park is also part of the national conservation center. The Arboretum, a 4,5-hectare area of forest that serves as a habitat, is home to numerous plant and animal species. This national park region is home to 78 species of trees divided into 36 tribes. The number of plants has risen to 100, with two indigenous species, Uta Onga and Turuwara. The area of Kelimutu National Park is home to a variety of wildlife in addition to its diverse flora, and these animals include some indigenous species.

Enjoying Sunrise

source: instagram (@flighthub)

Your trip will be imperfect if you visit Kelimutu Lake without seeing the sunrise. Even domestic and foreign tourists compete with each other to catch the light on Lake Kelimutu. You must make your way through the night to the mountain's summit, which requires struggle and sacrifice. But all your tiredness will be instantly replaced by the beauty of the genuinely great sunrise. Enjoy your morning while listening to the birds chirping above the shady trees.

Visiting Watunggere


Because the first president of Indonesia was exiled there, Watunggere hamlet is listed as a historical city. You can take in the still-present culture and the history of Soekarno's House of Exile. Due to the presence of Merikengga Fort in this region, Watunggere is also a popular tourist site.

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